Embarking on a series of short stories connected with The Dragonscale Blade has been a such a good idea. Better than I imagined. So far, of course, I've completed just one, The Bullying of Harald Ruffsnape. But another is on its way - The Dragonboy of Regnaville - and may be finished in a week or two. It's given me the opportunity to explore the possible formative experiences in the lives of particular characters. Or at least that's what it feels like. I'm aware that what I'm talking about is just fiction. I'm making it up. But, given the need to make their behaviour and their responses to particular events consistent with who they are, there are some constraints on what I feel they are likely to do and say. So, even though I am making it up as I go along, it feels as if they are the boss and they are revealing more of themselves.
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