Tuesday, 29 December 2015

New Website:  www.jimedmiston.com

Yet another life phase is coming up - and why shouldn't it with the coming of a new year.

Over the past few years, as well as writing fiction very few people can find, I've been writing  and illustrating school books for two publishers.

Grammar and Creativity was written for LCP and is available here:


Also, for LCP, I illustrated a series of books of Spanish for beginners, called Tapas Travels.  They should be available any minute.  They are to be found here:


Currently, I am two-thirds of the way through a 6-book series of reading books for primary school children for a publisher called Headstart Primary.  The first few have already been published.  They can be found here:


The New Website  www.jimedmiston.com  

This signals another phase.  Having been an academic, a wooden toymaker and designer, children's author and illustrator, followed by several years as primary school teacher, I now plan to paint.  Just paint. No sawdust.  Not necessarily with sales in mind (though that would be nice).

Come January, I'll have a studio at 44AD, 4 Abbey Street, Bath BA1 1NN

So, do visit the website - see what you think.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Puzzle and the Clues

Here are some of the questions about the 13th and 21st centuries that Janyka B will need to answer if she is to understand how the world becomes what it is in 3001AD.

1.   What is the mugger husk?

2.   Where is the location of the Octangular or its useful remnants?

3.   Can she trust the amnesiac umbilica-driver of the marauder known as Audrey?

4.   How can she evade the soundlicks with a younger brother who turns out to be a time-jammer?

5.   What are the other questions?

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Characters in Waiting

As I said - more to write.  There are characters waiting: Janyka B has more to discover.  Will the driver of Audrey the Marauder stay alive long enough to turn in Janyka and her kid brother.  Is Gonzalo de Zanj likely to turn up at all?  I certainly hope so!  Naturally, I'm concerned about what form Phar Lazar will emerge as, because he's got several deaths to experience before they get the better of him.  And, most importantly,  Vinny's role will be crucial, but how will it be played out?

The Reptile Wars

For a long time now I've been harbouring ideas about what happens in the timeline between Vinny's crash into the 13th Century and his 21st C beginnings.  Also the book hints at people from the future researching his life for some important political and social reason.  I know who they are and why they are doing it.  I know who is out to thwart their haphazard efforts and where the unlikely source of help is going to come from.

What I don't know is, given the number of fiction- and lyric-writing projects I'm involved in currently, how the hell am I going to find the time to extend the scope of The Reptile Wars?