I have never been one of those who planned to travel the world once they retired. I've got too much writing to do. Nonetheless, it's been only 9 months since I switched off my interactive whiteboard, gleefully ripped my medium-term plans to shreds and patted my last student on the head, and already I've been to Turkey, India and several less distant places in the UK.
I've now completed 3 of the 4 English grammar books I've been asked to do, and dying to get on with some fiction writing. However, I would fancy another trip soon to either Turkey of India. They're very special. People smile. Hospitality is ingrained. Colour is everywhere. I'd also like to write something reassuring for would-be travellers to India, who are not, by nature and cultural background, open to new experiences. You probably know who I mean. Those more likely to move around in a group, eat in their hotel and buy stuff from the upmarket tourist shops on the main drag. Potentially, this can only confirm any prejudices they might have, rather than open their eyes to see the common humanity of all nations.
For the moment, back to work.