Friday, 22 June 2012

Future of the Reptile Wars series

The Dragonscale Blade is only the first in a series of fantasies that begin with Vinny Balfour's gatecrashing of the 13th century.  Its follow-up should be written by Christmas 2012, with a third shortly afterwards.  A website is planned and should also be up and running before the year is out.  I have my own ideas as far as content is concerned, but you may also have some thoughts of your own.  Do let me know.  Quite soon, you'll be able to download free some backstories about the characters, containing information not necessarily in the book.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Dragon Fantasy Online

The Dragonscale Blade begins in the 21st century but quickly becomes a medieval fantasy of the human versus the reptilian: both in terms of a crusading war between Aragon and the Moors of Andalucia, but also in terms of the turmoil taking place inside the bodies of the hero, Vinny Balfour, and his enemies, Phar Lazar and Prince Ynyr.  There are a number of grotesques among the characters - Azenari the wolf killer, Gonzalo de Zanj the giant poet, and two homocidal maniacs, Mr. Luc and Mr. Rangel, given pardons to apply their special skills to the killing spree of the crusade.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Vinny Balfour - Hero or Misfit?

Vinny doesn't make too many decisions.  Things tend to happen to him.  But there are one or two key points when he instigates a series of consequences over which he has no control.  Burning the house down - yes, that's an important moment. Riding that motorbike is another one.  Going back into the house is another.  Much later, of course, as his character develops, he does stand up for himself and for those he loves and respects.  The Vinny we see at the end is quite different - transformed in more ways than one.  A lot depends on his decisions and his actions.  Perhaps the fate of us all.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Phar Lazar - Evil Monk

Phar Lazar is the source of evil in this medieval fantasy.  As with all villains, he seeks total power, but he also wants to cheat death.  More than anything, he wants to live forever, so that he can exert power throughout time. How many modern-day despots can you think of who still appear to think and behave in this way?  You might need the fingers of two hands.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Welcome to Harry's Blog -Teenage ebook Author

The Dragonscale Blade is an entertaining fantasy with a serious, underlying question about how much the ancient, reptilian brain of the human being - responsible for displays of ritual, dominance and territoriality - is the source of much war and aggression.  I'd appreciate reading your comments.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Poor Harald

Harald Ruffsnape, nicknamed The Merciless, is the village bully in The Dragonscale Blade. Most of the time, you hope he's going to get his come-uppance.  But is there a part of you that feels sorry for him?  The story doesn't go into his past life before he confronts the hero, Vinny Balfour, but there are a few things you should know about him.  When he was born, his mother took one look at him and ran off with a passing tinker.  His father would have run off to, but for the bad leg he had at the the time, plus the fact that most of the time, he was dead drunk.  When he was sober, he would beat Harald within an inch of his life just for breaking an egg or spilling a drop of goat's milk.  Harald soon learnt how to look after himself.  By the time he was about fifteen (no one ever kept track of his age) his father was a tired old man of 33.  Quite a good age in 1243.  Then there was the porridge incident described in the book and that was it.  Harald was on his own and left to his own devices... which weren't too clever.